Meet the Founders & Teachers

Solomon Dixon
Writing, dancing, singing, playing the keys. Mountain climbing, breathwork, meditation, Qigong. These are the arts of choice for Solomon Dixon. After performing as a breakdancing bboy at colleges around the United States in his early 20's, Solomon Dixon turned his efforts elsewhere. He travels around the U.S. sharing his passion for writing with adolescents in a way that develops a writer at their very core. While he still breakdances exhibitionally, he has turned his focus towards young writers and the writing programs in schools. Equally as important, he uses this avenue to work on building bond between students using his above experiences.
This comes after he co-founded The Living Poets Society with a local group of spoken word artists. These poets compete in poetry slams around the United States involving individual and group pieces. Solomon Dixon has competed at the national level for slam poetry as well as scored in the Top 50 in the world for Spoken Word Art Slam Poetry.
Solomon Dixon moves the fine art of motivation and verbal expression to elementary, middle and high schools around the USA to inspire our youngest writers. This year, he has taken this work and his experience in climbing, balance, breathwork, as well as Qigong to create an outstanding program for the youth in the DR.
Solomon is a native to Syracuse, NY but in 2020, the Dixon family relocated to the Dominican Republic to open Forever Wild Children's Garden (and OOO Mami Food Truck) . He and his family travel as often as they can to explore other views around the country and plan to travel the world.

Amanda Dixon
Amanda Dixon attended Canisius College in Buffalo, New York and earned her Bachelors’ and Masters’ Degree in Elementary and Special Education. Throughout her 20’s and 30’s, Amanda Dixon has taught in charter schools and private schools in the cities of Buffalo, NY. Specializing in turning the most reluctant readers into reading super stars, Amanda focused all of her efforts on raising the reading levels of young children at the elementary level.
After years of work in the traditional school setting, she has turned her efforts elsewhere. She began to study different forest schools, unschools, Waldorf and Reggio Emilia programs. She has become fascinated by the idea that children can learn without explicit instruction while sitting in chairs, teachers lecturing and countless workbook pages. She has learned how children can explore, create and build outside in nature and become just as strong of readers, mathematicians and scientists. After having her own children, she began to design programming that would be built for them as they grew and attempted to implement into her own traditional classroom.
Teaching in schools hasn't been the only art keeping her busy. Gymnastics, dance, and drawing are the arts of choice for Amanda Dixon. After a decade in competitive gymnastics, Amanda turned to coaching and then taking dance classes at a local studio. Nowadays, she has turned all of those arts into her classroom and instruction for children to explore.
In 2020, the Dixon Family decided to relocate to the Dominican Republic and build a nature school in the city of Las Terranas. With a background in traditional curriculum and standards from New York State in the United States, Amanda Dixon brings that knowledge to build an exceptional educational program with her creative and artistic husband. A program that is like that of the nature schools in the USA mixed with the atmosphere and culture of the DR.

Sehpora Pauleus
Biography Coming Soon!