Past Programming in the Dominican Republic

Full Time School Program
Join us this September as we learn together. Forever Wild is small international school program that offers indiviudalized lessons geared towards your child's level and readiness, rather than their age. With lots of time built into the schedule for exploration, this program follows the rhythm of children. Each month has a focused theme where projects, units, stories and math revolve around our theme. Themes are developed around the interests of the children alongside the learning standards from the United States.
Program hours are 9-1pm daily and children bring their own food, water and snacks.
Administration/Supply Fee: $275
Membership Fee: $475 per month
World Schooling Hubs
Worldschooling Hubs are designed for families who will be in Las Terrenas for a few months and are looking to learn about the culture and history of the island in child-friendly ways! While enjoying the same gardens as our long term families, worldschooling hubs offer many excursions and different cultural experiences.
See our schedule of events on our home page to find what month works best for your family!
Program hours are 9-1pm daily and children bring their own food, water and snacks. Pricing does not include airfare, transportation or accomodations.
4-Week Hubs $799
6-Week Hubs $999
(add on full excursion package for $200 to any hub you like)
Teen Leadership Opportunities
Looking for leadership opportunties for your teen? Have a desire for them to become part of a community while being able to express their indendence?
In our program, teens ages 14 and up have the opportunity to become a part of our microschool sessions as a leader. They will be apprenticing alongside Amanda and Solomon 3 days a week to learn the crafts of audience engagement when talking to groups of children, how to effectively calm and regulate emotions in little ones, how to plan out and execute themed lessons with a few children, and more. Teens will be given the opportunity to spend time engaged with the littles ones to promote letters, sight words, math facts, and spelling awareness during the little one's independent work time.
There are many opportunites for teen outings, hang out time, going out to eat and tours when they are not participting in the sessions.
Each teen will receive a certficate of apprenticeship stating they were under the direction of a New York State Certifed Teacher, along with photos and a recommendation letter for their resume. Students will also receive a tutoring readiness letter that can be used to start a tutoring side business etc for reading or math.
Apprenticeship Fee: $399 per session

Family Connection Camps
Our Family Connection Camps are 7 day events that bring the whole family together. All activities are designed to bring us back to each other and reconnect. From ice baths and water games to deepening cacao ceremonies we find that spending the week together without any work distractions makes for an unforgettable experience.
The entire itinterary allows families to add a la carte experiences for what they most need.
Pricing includes membership and access to our gardens from 9-1pm Monday through Friday. It does not include a la carte activties, airfare, transportation or accomodations.
Children $200
Adults $75
10 Day Retreat for Parents
Does your balance feel off?!
Literally and figuratively. Join Solomon Dixon is Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic to find that center. As you work through your own body to find balance and come back to the self that was always there.
Breathwork, qi gong, meditation and personal development are included in this 10 day intensive course as well as unforgettable life lessons.
10 Day Rebalancing Fee: $2750
Childcare is available at a discounted rate.